Philanthropic Activities in Leper Colony

Transforming Lives in the Leper Colony

Dr. Sonya Suri’s commitment to serving society has remained steadfast throughout her remarkable journey. Early in her life, she frequently visited the Sai Baba Temple on Lodhi Road, where she keenly observed a marginalized group of individuals, particularly lepers, who often went unnoticed by others. Overcoming prevailing misconceptions and fears about their contagiousness, she consciously chose to engage with them, providing sustenance, blankets, and essential provisions. Driven by her genuine concern for their plight, she discovered a registered leper colony on the way to Okhla and embarked on regular visits, offering her compassionate support.

Dr. Suri’s dedication to individuals affected by leprosy extends far beyond the provision of essential supplies. Her care and warmth have restored their dignity and reignited hope within their hearts. Her consistent efforts, such as supplying food and necessities to slum children in the leper colony and making monthly medicine donations, have made a significant difference in the lives of approximately 200 people each time. During the Covid-19 pandemic, her support was particularly crucial, ensuring daily food, supplies, and medicine for the colony residents for seven months. Dr. Suri’s sustained commitment reflects her broader vision of fostering inclusive communities and ensuring that no one is left behind in the journey towards societal development.


People of Leper Colony

Leper Society